We Are Church Documentary by Francis Chan

Have you ever wondered if there was more to church than what you’re currently experiencing? Have you ever asked yourself what it really looks like to be the Church as God intended? Pastor Francis Chan wrestled with the same questions. Those questions drove him to begin a journey to examine church in the light of Scripture while rejecting the rising consumerism in church culture. Along the journey, he encountered others with the same yearning for biblical Church—these are their stories. In this documentary, hear from members of We Are Church who are so in love with Jesus that they can’t help but talk about Him. “Church success is measured when people really love God. We don’t come to be served. We serve and give our lives as a ransom for many.” Be inspired to do more than sit in a chair on Sunday. Be inspired to become the Church. Learn more about Letters to the Church, Francis Chan’s new book, at http://letterstothechurchbook.com
Great teaching about the truth of how the True church of Christ should operate. I’m obeying this and going out to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ ..not just sitting in the pew
wow. what a powerful message. It is so beautiful to see people truely loving God and desiring so much more than just a once a week experience. Love it. love Jesus am so excited to see where our Lord is taking me as I journey along His path. Praise God. Amen